Thank you for downloading the College Prep Action Plan!

Truly, I am honored. I hope it brings you and your teen some clarity in tackling high school and a successful college admission process.

Please check your email inbox for your download. Didn’t get it? Check your spam folder, and if you still didn’t get it, please email me at


But wait! Before you go…


Students and families love the Action Plan so much and wanted a more in-depth way to plan their college process, break things into small chunks and reduce stress, so I recently created the Mindset College Planner.

Today it’s available for only $27. Yup, you read that right.

The Mindset College Planner gives students a simple and actionable toolbox to foster a thoughtful and organized college admission process. This digital planner is part self-reflection journal, part essential to-do checklist, and part research and application planning system.


Does your teen shut down when you bring up college, or feel stressed and not know where to start? 

I’m a school-based college counselor (formerly an admission officer at a highly selective college) who has worked with high school and college students for nearly two decades. For many families I work with, college becomes a heated topic of conversation. Parents often struggle to know how much to insert their opinions or nag about the tasks they think their teen should be doing related to the college admission process.

Students tend to feel nervous and overwhelmed about the giant looming project of applying to college. I love to see the joy and “I got this!” mindset shift when they start breaking the process down into actionable steps.

Since college is such a common topic of conversation in the media, among friends, and at school, it’s easy to be influenced and intimidated by all the competing messages and opinions out there. Frankly, I founded Mindset College Collective because I was pretty horrified to see all the bad information and fearmongering that is out there. All families deserve access to clear, student-centered, and ethical resources for a successful college admission process. 


Thoughtful self-reflection and intentional decision-making is key to a meaningful college search and successful college application process.


Included with your purchase:

🌟35-page Mindset College Planner (digital download), which includes research tips, self-reflection questions, to-do item checklist, senior year roadmap, and daily and monthly calendaring pages. This PDF is both fillable (to use electronically on a computer or tablet) and printable (for putting old-fashioned pen to paper).

🌟Spreadsheet Mindset College Planner (Google Sheets), which includes the Mindset College Task List, Research List Template, and Final College List Template.

🌟Tutorial videos on how to use these resources to their fullest potential within the Mindset College Collective member portal.

 🌟Lifetime access to the Mindset College Collective membership portal and all future updates to the Mindset College Planner. 

The Mindset College Planner includes hundreds of dollars of resources–families often get similar tools when they pay thousands of dollars to work with college admission consultants, or pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend private schools with dedicated college counselors. 

Today, you can get lifetime access to the Mindset College Planner for only $27.


Meet Mindset College Collective

I’m Sara Purviance, founder of Mindset College Collective. As a school-based college counselor, former admission officer, and mom of three, I’m always looking for ways to simplify processes, help students get to know their real selves, and find educational next steps where they will challenge themselves and thrive. I want to help parents give themselves grace and support their teens without taking away the ownership and self-efficacy students need for a successful launch.

The Mindset College Planner takes my best systems from working with students in the college admission process for nearly two decades to help your teen get organized, simplify, and destress their college admission process. More importantly, it will help them approach this important life decision with the care and self-reflection it deserves.


I want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase, which is why I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee.


Contact me at You should hear back within 24 business hours.